Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Healing Benefits of Cereal Grasses and Greens

!±8± The Healing Benefits of Cereal Grasses and Greens

Cereal grasses are known as wheat grass, barley grass, rye grass, oat grass, have all been used as a human food supplement since the 1930's. The importance of healthy green leafy vegetables and grasses in the human diet cannot be overlooked even in this day and age. The benefits of these grasses can be derived from their fresh or dehydrated (powder) form.

A study conducted as early as 1931 by scientists and researchers of nutrition found that the level of milk, as well as the quality, fell when cows did NOT consume young leafy greens, and were not allowed to wander about freely to eat these greens. As research went on through the years, it was discovered that cereal grasses were found to be an excellent source of Beta-carotene, Vitamin K (a vitamin that has most recently been found to be lacking in the human diet), folic Acid, Calcium, iron, protein and fiber as well as very high amounts of Vitamin C and many of the B vitamins.

The cereal grasses can be found in dehydrated form in local health food stores. They are a source of concentrated green foods. These foods in the human diet cannot be overstated. Our diet is sorely lacking in color. It is extremely important to the quality of our health to include organic leafy green vegetables in our daily diet.

Cereal grasses, as well as dark leafy greens, contain a factor that assists the body in blocking immune attacking organisms by an active ingredient called glucosascorbic acid.

Unfortunately, you cannot get this by taking only vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Green vegetables are of critical importance in our diet today, because in our 21st century world that is filled with chemicals, we are experiencing an impoverished food supply, and therefore cannot depend solely on foods for all our critical nutrients.

The healing properties of leafy greens and cereal grasses have long been proven by science. A study done by Stanford researchers in 1950 demonstrated that dark green foods and cereal grasses contain factors that promote the healing of peptic ulcers, as well as the now known designer disease G.E.R.D. (acid reflux.) Eating greens can help promote the healing of this ailment.

It is long withstanding that the oldest health insurance is to eat "Whole Organic Foods". The best and lasting cures are those, which allow the body to heal itself. Unlike the allopathic route, which is what doctors' push, which only serves to force the body into a false healing route.

As strong healthy humans we need a nutritionally adequate eating plan which includes organic green food, air, sunshine, and in this 21st century, high quality, high bio-available, international grade vitamins and minerals. All this is necessary to begin to allow the body to follow its own path for healing and allowing the body to function at its best.

Here is my suggestion to my clients. Follow this plan to promote healing and stay healthy:

Eat dark green veggies and cereal grasses daily. Take in clean pure water Get sun daily, Take high quality vitamins and minerals Exercise daily for 40 min. Follow a regimen of yoga at least 3 times a week

The Healing Benefits of Cereal Grasses and Greens

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Does Muscle Memory Occur?

!±8± Does Muscle Memory Occur?

The concept of muscle memory is controversial. Most bodybuilders have experienced this phenomenon, yet virtually no discussions of this topic have appeared in scientific and athletic publications. Although there is some speculation herein, these ideas are sure to help you better understand your body's response to training after a layoff.

Before you know it, a month has gone by. Two months. Six months. I'll get back to it sometime soon, you keep saying. You're finally ready - a year later.

Don't worry. Life can get in the way of even the most dedicated bodybuilder's workouts. Be glad that you're ready to commit to consistent training again. For those of you who haven't attempted a small comeback before, here's good news.

Gaining muscle size seems to be easier the second time around - even if you starting from the same place. That's right. It appears that your muscles can reach their former size (their size when you stopped working out) in a much shorter time than it took to achieve that size that first time you trained.

If you're an experienced bodybuilder who has returned to square one more times than you wish to remember, you probably know exactly what I mean. In fact, even many scientists and coaches are convinced this phenomenon occurs - having witnessed first hand. No one has a clue how this happens. Why should you pack on muscle size quicker when 'retraining?' It just doesn't make sense.

With so many athletes and others observing this mystery of the iron game, some plausible explanation must exist. I'll describe some possible reasons why your muscle may appear to have a memory. While understanding that the following ideas might help you make a comeback, keep in mind that these are just good guesses - not dogma.

Mind Games

Certainly, we can't overlook the possibility that muscle memory doesn't really occur at all. In other words, it's completely possible that these changes have nothing to do with muscular adaptation. Then why do muscles seem to progress faster during a comeback? Well, it could all be in your head. Here's what I mean.

The first time you trained consistently, you were probably a bit hesitant with the weights. You weren't too sure how your muscles would respond and most importantly, you didn't have a good idea how much weight you could lift. So you were cautious when it came to big weight increases - at least until you felt you could handle the heavier weight safely.

When making a comeback, that initial fear is gone. You know you can handle heavier and heavier weights because you've done it before. You probably expect to attain your former strength soon, anyway. For these reasons, you are more likely to add weight to the bar at a faster rate - pushing yourself as never before. Of course, this progressive overload will lead to quicker gains in strength and size.

The Nerve of those Muscle Cells

Perhaps the most likely explanation of muscle memory involves the neurons (nerve cells) that stimulate your muscles. These neurons tell all the muscle fibers (muscle cells) they innervate to contract. But, depending on the amount of weight being lifted, only a small percentage of neurons innervating a particular muscle may be recruited to stimulate their fibers. More weight on the bar - more neurons involved and more fibers stimulated. Simple enough, right?

Here's something really interesting. Even during maximal voluntary contraction (attempting your max on any lift), you're still not recruiting all the muscle fibers in your working muscles. In fact, it is this discrepancy between the percentage of fibers we normally recruit and what we theoretically can recruit (100%) that may account for those rare, but documented feats of superhuman strength.

What has that got to do with muscle memory? Well, one way your muscles may adapt to the stresses of consistent training is to increase over the long run the total percentage of fibers recruited during maximal and near-maximal lifts. Here's the possible scenario:

The first time you trained, you recruited a certain percentage of muscle fibers during maximal lifts. As you trained more and more, this percentage increased. Then you stopped working out. When making a comeback, this ability to recruit a greater percentage of muscle fibers remains intact. Therefore, you're starting with a capacity to develop more force within a muscle (since more fibers can be activated). Compared to the first time you trained, you're one step ahead.

If you can develop more maximal force, then you can lift more weight - you're a bit stronger. Although you may think you're starting from the same place, this greater strength will enable you to progress faster, resulting in an ability to regain muscle size at a quicker pace.

The second way that neurons may be involved in muscle memory deals with skill development. When you start working out, your muscles interpret most of the lifts as new movements. So your neurons must develop the appropriate pattern of stimulation to get the weight up. Remember how shaky the bar was the first time you tried the bench press?

Fibers must be activated in just the right sequence to perform complex movements like the bench or the squat. And learning a new skill (just like trying to swing a golf club, etc.) may take quite a long time. The first time around, it may have taken you weeks to feel steady on the bench. Now those neural patterns have been developed and though they may be rusty, they can return very quickly after a layoff. What may be happening here is that after you stop working out you lose some of those neural patterns. When you work out again the neurological changes come faster. This accelerated restoration of neurological control will enable you to stimulate your muscles more efficiently, eventually causing the leveling off you reach in muscle strength and hypertrophy to be higher. You may be stronger and bigger when the neural patterning is done the second time around.

Muscular Adaptations

Another possible explanation of muscle memory concerns certain changes in your muscles that regular training may produce. Your muscles may adapt in two ways that could translate into faster gains during retraining. First, you may be able to increase the capillary bed surrounding muscle cells, creating a greater blood supply to the working muscle. If this happens, and many scientists believe it does, you would then be able to enhance the nutrient (glucose, branch-chain amino acids, etc.) availability to the muscle cell. Also, you might remove the waste products of repeated muscular work and energy production (lactic acid, heat hydrogen ions, etc.) at a faster rate. Since these waste products can limit performance, with the increased capillary bed, you would be in a position to train harder and longer.

Either or both of these situations would probably enable you to create a more effective muscular stimulus. This is the key in terms of muscle memory. These positive changes from an enhanced blood supply would be restored soon after a comeback since the capillary beds would quickly reopen. Thus you would have the advantage of a greater muscular stimulus from the start of retraining. This would lead to a greater adaptation - stronger and bigger muscles - and give the illusion of muscle memory.

Second, the enzymes that are involved in important bio-chemical reactions may be responsible for muscle memory. For example, we know that enzymes in reactions leading to the storage of glycogen (your energy source during anaerobic work) can be enhanced with training. It is plausible that enzymes involved in protein synthesis may increase in concentration and activity following repeated muscular stimuli and damage. It may actually be those enzymes that have a memory, quickly returning to their former increased concentrations and turning on these processes earlier. If this occurred, you'd be able to work out harder, possibly recover faster, and gained muscle mass more quickly than when you first trained.

Does Muscle Memory Occur?

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Fitness Advice : Types of Resistance Training

Types of resistance training include anything where a force or tension is applied to the muscle, in such forms as cable resistance, dumbbells, barbells, kettle balls, medicine balls and resistance bands. Use body weight and free weights to do resistance training with exercise advice from an experienced personal trainer in this free video on fitness. Expert: Daniel Johnson Bio: Daniel Johnson's passion for fitness began in his early 20s, and it started with the pursuit of perfecting his push-ups and sit-ups and performing agility drills to become a better athlete. Filmmaker: Dean Jones

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

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!±8± ACCUSPLIT Eagle Electronic Decimal Timing Stopwatch

Rate : | Price : $79.95 | Post Date : Oct 20, 2011 15:24:16
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Accusplit® AE790M500DEC stopwatch is an advanced split-timer designed for use at sporting events. It's set-up with Lop and Total Speed Rate, Average Split Compute, Dual Split, 1,2 Fast Finish, and more.

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Body Solid GSRM40 Seated Row Machine

!±8±Body Solid GSRM40 Seated Row Machine

Brand : Body Solid
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Price : $299.00
Post Date : Oct 02, 2011 23:56:06
Usually ships in 5 to 7 days

Body Solid Seated Row Machine. This is the tool of the trade for building depth in the middle back and training the hard to reach lower lats. Our uniquely designed Seated Row Machine is fully adjustable to fit all size users. The extra thick DuraFirm seat and chest pads position you for maximum pre stretch which is crucial for deep muscle penetration and full range of motion. Four way handgrips widen or narrow to target resistance to the middle back resulting in accelerated muscle gains. Weight plates and collars optional

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Therapeutic effects of magnetized water

!±8± Therapeutic effects of magnetized water

Water is a clear liquid, which is no color, odor and shape their own. It takes the shape of the container and the smell of the color and taste of other things mixed with it.

So he assimilated the characteristics of other things. It is, therefore, whether the properties of the magnet in water was added through a permanent connection between the two, the water becomes magnetized and expresses its beneficial effects for almost all ailments when taken internally for a while 'time.

Scientistdemonstrated that a magnetic field, the progress of crystallization solutions influences and increases the number of centers of crystallization.

It 'was also found that experienced many physical and chemical properties change when exposed to water for even a second clutch to the influence of a weak magnetic field. The changes in its boiling point, density, electrical conductivity, surface tension and viscosity, and there are several new featuresDays.

Many experiments have been conducted in Russia and been very useful in several areas of technology have been observed. It was observed that was shown benefit in some industrial uses.

Scientists have therefore come to a conclusion that the magnetic field and the influence of biological processes and showed that the force of magnetism has a great impact on living organisms.

When the invisible force of magnetism is transferred to anotherSubstances that can absorb in themselves, and then the magnetic substance is administered to them to be absorbed by any living organism, such as assimilation, of course has an impact on the living organism.

When the permanent magnet is kept in constant contact with water for a long time, the water is influenced not only by the magnetic flux of the magnet, but it is magnetized and acquires magnetic properties. Such magnetized water has its effect on the humanBody when taken internally on a regular basis for a considerable period.

Magnetized water helps to heal all diseases

The long experience in the use of magnetized water, prepared by the vibrations of healing of permanent magnets, has proved beyond doubt that it contributes almost every disease and disorder particularly helpful in the healing of the digestive, urinary and nervous systems.

The continued use of magnetized water improves digestion, increases appetite and reduces excess bile acids. Thehelps proper bowel movements and sells poison unwanted salts from the body and morbidity.

The use of magnetized water has helped women in the regularization of the menstrual cycle.

The magnetized water can also help to clear clogged arteries, normalize the circulatory system and regulates the functioning of the heart.

The magnetized water helps to kidney problems and helps to facilitate the excretion of urine, if there is a difficulty in urination administration of 1 gram of magnetizedWater with an ounce of tap water in a rapid sequence of 5 to 10 minutes, stir for 8-10 times the patient is allowed to pass urine. In a hospital in Leningrad, the patients drank water magnetized by the kidney, which has helped to wash the salt from the body and the stones.

And 'effective in treating all types of fever, all types of pain, asthma, bronchitis, colds, cough and headache, etc.

The use of magnetized water is cheap, safe andsimple. It 'can easily be prepared in every home, when some magnets are available. It can also be taken by healthy people connected to improve digestion and to get rid of weakness and fatigue, with daily activities of life.

Dr. HT Bolakanli has his book "The secrets of magnetic therapy" that Europeans are written in a place called "Evian" in France, go to seek relief from various diseases of the kidney trouble,, gout and obesity as well as prematurely old . EveryThe healing at this point "Evian water" that flows from a source.

Bottled water in bottles, is sold throughout the French and widely used in homes and restaurants with different mineral waters.

The water is beneficial for children announced, Tremble, and the noise, kidney problems, arthritis and gout, obesity, and diseases of the urinary tract. It is believed that "Evian water" is nothing but magnetized water.

It 'been reported that patients in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Norwayand Sweden have found that magnetized water has improved their health. Russians call the Wonder magnetized water as water.

Therapeutic effects of magnetized water

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Inversion Therapy Table Thurs relieve back pain?

!±8± Inversion Therapy Table Thurs relieve back pain?

If you suffer from chronic back pain, you are not alone. Millions of adult Americans suffer every day. The search for a natural form of relief has many of these patients turn to therapy to help reverse of gravity. This popular treatment involves the inversion of gravity on the spine to increase the space between the discs. Back pain that compression of the discs is greatly benefit from regular use of a reverseTable.

The effectiveness of this therapy is overwhelming support in the success stories of people like you. Many people who have suffered from crippling back pain swear by the effective performance of the inversion of gravity. Do a search on the Internet for certificates for this treatment and meet thousands of reviews from real people who have benefited from this therapy, many of whom see it as a reversal of the ultimate solution for their back pain.

Not only that many home usersI swear by this treatment, but the U.S. Army also uses the inversion of gravity as a normal part of its program of physical training to keep its troops in the best condition during the period of intensive training. They also wrote in his instructions to exercise reversal of fitness throughout the world. The amount of stress on the body is placed in an intensive course of physical brutal, but stretches the spine reduces the stress on the body and reduces the risk of injury.

A number of scientific studies havedemonstrated the effectiveness of this natural treatment. A study conducted primarily by Frederick Sheffield, the results of gravity inversion therapy studied in 175 participants who suffered from back pain. The intensity of the participating State has stopped working. After eight sessions of therapy to reverse, 155 of these participants were able to return to work full time. The treatments significantly reduced his pain and allowed them to activities of daily living as a returnnormal.

The benefits of whole body stretching and reversing the effects of gravity on the spine are numerous. Regular Inversion improve posture and flexibility, reduce swelling and inflammation of the joints, improve circulation and relief from pinched nerves, among other benefits. Not only that the inversion of the relief of physical pain, but it can also be the spirit. Increases blood flow to the brain, enhances mental acuity and can also induce a calming,was almost meditative. A full body suddenly relaxes the muscles and mind, promotes a feeling of wellbeing.

Is used consistently over time, a table can relieve back pain inversion clearly. As you may be head down, you might want to add exercises reversed for further expansion and strengthening of the muscles. The inversion therapy can be used alone or supplement to other forms of relief of back pain.

This natural anti-gravity treatment,Solution for your chronic pain. The only way to know for sure is to try it yourself. Inversion of gravity is safe for most people, but there are some drawbacks that can be excluded as a candidate for this therapy. You should also discuss treatment options with your doctor and get his approval before starting any new treatment or exercise.

Inversion Therapy Table Thurs relieve back pain?

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Fulvic Acid - 10 Important Things We Need To Know

!±8± Fulvic Acid - 10 Important Things We Need To Know

Nature has provided us with every nutrient that we need to live a long, healthy, and active life. Unfortunately, we're no longer able to enjoy all of the earth's goodness because of the way we process our already fragile foods to death. It doesn't help that our soils have been ravaged and that the animals we eat are regularly given steroids to artificially stimulate their growth.
Doctors have known for years that everyone needs at least 90 nutrients to maintain their health. These nutrients include a minimum of 70 minerals, 18 amino acids, and three essential fatty acids.
If you are currently supplementing with minerals labeled ionic or colloidal, the discovery and understanding of fulvic acid should excite you.

Scientists have found that fulvic acid is the element that makes nutrients absorbable, which gives it the ability to make a dramatic impact on all kinds of diseases and health problems that afflict us today. They call it the elixir of life!

Fulvic Acid contains the 70 essential minerals. Whenever minerals come into contact with fulvic acid, in a water medium, they are naturally dissolved into an ionic form. These minerals literally become part of the fulvic acid itself. Once the minerals meld into the fulvic acid complex, they become bioactive, bioavailable, and organic. Thus, when elemental minerals are transformed into an organic state, through a natural chemical process involving fulvic acid and photosynthesis, they are safe to be used by both humans and animals. Fulvic acid has the ability to dramatically detoxify herbicides, pesticides, and other poisons that it interacts with - this includes many radioactive elements. The presence of fulvic acid also acts as an important protective agent whenever toxins are used to reduce the insect population that often besiege non-organically grown crops. This detoxification process may extend to animals and humans, since we are the end-users of these plants. Digestive Enzymes are Activated by Fulvic Acid. Whenever we eat, our body sets into motion a complex series of actions designed to break down the foods that we've eaten. It then converts these digested foods into energy and building materials. The actions that take place on the foods that we ingest would not be possible if it were not for enzymes. Without enzyme activation, food would simply rot in our stomach, elimination could not take place, thought would cease, and we would die. Enzymes are the 'life-force' behind vitamins and minerals. Fulvic acid has the ability to dramatically reduce the oxidative effects of free-radicals. Fulvic acid is a very powerful antioxidant. Harmful free radicals are known to circulate throughout the body, injuring tissue, altering genes, disrupting crucial processes in the body, forming cell mutations and making cells susceptible to infections and diseases. Free radicals are a major contributing factor to nearly all situations of non-ideal health. Fulvic acid is known to bond to these free radicals, transforming them into organic, usable substances, or if the cell is too damaged, it is eliminated as waste. Fulvic acid is effective at neutralizing and detoxifying a wide range of toxic materials, heavy metals and other pollutants. It is essential to wash away the waste and toxins that cells produce. In addition to carrying essential nutrients to the cell, it has been shown that fulvic acid may be an excellent natural chelator of toxins and can reduce them to a harmless state. Fulvic acid is reported to relieve oxygen deficiency and increase the vital activity of cells. New energy will be gained just by providing your stressed out cells with the nutrients and oxygen needed. Also, if you can restore individual cells to their normal chemical balance and electrical potential, then you have given those cells life and the potential to function at peak performance. Fulvic acid has been reported to "induce revitalization" to the cells. Flooding nutrients into your cells gives new vitality and energizes the entire body. Fulvic acid has been shown to be one of nature's most powerful organic electrolytes. All cells have electrical potential, when the electrical potential of a cell is reduced, progressive weakness and illness may occur. A person's electrical potential may be lowered by loss of blood or fluids, overwhelming emotional stress, accidents, lack of sleep, surgical shock, lingering infections, fatigue or an unbalanced diet. Cells disintegrate when their electrical potential is reduced to zero. Scientists have learned that electrical and chemical balances at the cellular level can be created and controlled by electrolytes (substances that are soluble in water and are capable of conducting electrical current). Fulvic acid has been shown to be one of nature's most powerful organic electrolytes. Organic fulvic acid electrolytes charge, recharge and restore the potential that is or once was normal to the cell, and in doing so, balances and supercharges cellular life. The fulvic acid electrolytes are thought to greatly increase the percentage rate of absorption through the digestive system of minerals, nutrients, vitamins, herbs and amino acids into the circulatory system. Fulvic acid is considered by many to be one of the safest and most powerful antiviral substances known. Although not an antibiotic in the technical sense, they provide an antibiotic-effect. A generally accepted benefit of fulvic acid supplementation is that it can be used indefinitely without fear of creating antibiotic resistant strains of disease.

Fulvic Acid is just one of the ingredients in our latest product, Encore Optima. You can learn more by visiting our web site at the link in the bio.

Fulvic Acid - 10 Important Things We Need To Know

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Stamina Bio Flex 2200 Home Gym

!±8± Stamina Bio Flex 2200 Home Gym

Brand : Stamina | Rate : | Price : $394.95
Post Date : Aug 03, 2011 01:07:18 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Offering enhanced features to deliver the strength and fitness results you want, Stamina's Bio Flex 2200 Home Gym provides a smooth, comfortable workout in a compact design that's ideal for any home gym. Changing exercises and adjusting weight resistance is quick and easy while a full range of upper and lower body exercises will help strengthen your entire body. The Bio Flex 2200 includes a lat tower, leg curl/leg extension station, standing station, four-position removable seat, and more. Featuring solid steel construction, this gym is also lightweight and offers a compact design to fit easily in your home workout area.

Bio Flex 2200 Features:

  • Allows for multiple upper and lower body exercises
  • Includes two handles, lat pulldown bar, and ankle cuffs with foot support
  • High and low pulley stations
  • Comfortable, padded two-toned seat cushions
  • Wide range of resistance options
  • Easy-to-change resistance
  • Contoured, padded seat and back support
  • Foam-padded, half-circle stability grip arcs above top of seat
  • Durable steel frame
  • Removable seat for standing exercises
  • Pulley system allows for free range-of-motion exercises
  • Wheels for easy portability
  • Assembled dimensions: 47.5 inches long by 33.5 inches wide by 83 inches tall
  • Product weight: 131 pounds

About Stamina Fitness
Stamina Products, Inc. began building exercise equipment twenty-two years ago. Over time, their scope broadened beyond stationary bikes and rowers to include home Pilates reformers. This quickly led to the invention of the patented Free-Form Cardio Rebounder, and AeroPilates was born.

Not only did AeroPilates bring Pilates reformer exercise out of the studio and into the home, it also ramped up the traditional Pilates flexibility and strengthening exercises by adding effective, low-impact cardiovascular exercise. With the AeroPilates reformer, Stamina had created one exercise machine that provides all the training needed for a lean, lithe, young looking, and healthy body.

All of Stamina's exercise equipment shows attention to innovation and function. Stamina's exercise bikes, rowers, elliptical trainers, adjustable dumbbells, home gyms, and accessories are built to fit almost any household, from the smallest to the largest of spaces.

Looking to the future means learning from the past: keeping and improving on what works and finding new solutions that fit people's lifestyles. Stamina believes fitness should be fun, affordable, and convenient so it's part of every day. Stamina Products creates exercise systems With Your Body in Mind®.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Average Penis Size

!±8± Average Penis Size

It 'a well known fact that men are very important attributes about their penis size. So much so, in fact, our levels of confidence and self-esteem often wonder if we hear of measure "and not manipulated.

But why should this be the case? Well, it's probably something to do with the fact that our sex life, so that we can not help but turn our attention on the part of our anatomy that is the epicenter of our driving force to do.Do you think you have the penis size is not enough to simply rock our core feelings of masculinity and makes us believe that we are somehow lacking in the area where it really matters.

The interesting thing is that the human penis is much larger than that of any other of our primate cousins ​​in terms of magnitude is in proportion to body mass. Take the gorilla, for example, here is an animal, the weight between 140 to 180 kg and an average of 1.7 m in height, but still have a penis, the average measuresmere 4 cm (1.5 inches) when erect.

One thing that the poor gorillas rightly shows, is that penis size has little impact on its ability to reproduce. If he successfully fertilize a female gorilla, who can guarantee an average of two times the mass of a human female, then you know that you have a problem. And what's more, if it could talk, I bet you do not see the gorilla as his small penis would slate on his manhood.

I used the example of the gorilla only show thatThe nature, with a large penis seems to have little influence or importance. If you need a hand, the fact that the human penis is much larger than any other primate, is probably more concerned about how to measure yourself against other people.

It seems to be the good news is that clinical researchers have been fascinated by the question, like the rest of us, and a study, especially in relation to some interesting observations:

In 1948, Alfred C. Kinsey Institute for Sex Researchundertaken perhaps the largest study of penis size, recording the measurements of 3500 students.

The facts have been discovered by Kinsey's research:

or the average length of the erect penis of the subjects was 6.16 inches (15.6 cm)

or circumference of the erect penis average was 4.85 inches (12.3 cm)

or the average length of the flaccid penis was 3.89 inches (9.9 cm)

or average circumference of the flaccid penis was 3.75 inches (9.5 cm)

But beyond these basic facts have been some interestingRevelations:

First, a massive 89.5% of those between five and seven centimeters in erection size, with the highest percentage (23.9%) measured at 6-inch dead. Looking at the broader spectrum, 38.3% had a length of the erect penis 6.25 to 7 inches, while 27.3% is measured from 5 to 5.75 inches.

And now the really good news: More than half (54.4%) of 3,500 men had a length of the erect penis of 6 inches or less. For those who have an erect penis length of approximately 7 cm - evenforms only a minority, and only an overall market share of 6.7% of the results.

These are some interesting statistics that will help you, your penis should be put into perspective. As you can see, it is more unusual, an erect penis length of about 6 cm, as measured under the sign of magic. And if you take these results as a whole, the measurement of an erect penis 5-7 inches would fall as the series 'average' size.

The Kinsey studyHowever, they have a very obvious mistake that measured the participants themselves, without supervision. Exaggeration, taking account of human nature, there are a lot of debate over the years, as these results were quite right. Many believe that the subjects may have been a little 'more generous in their self-measurement and, as such data may also need to think about it wavered even higher than the average current values. If this is indeed the case, then the average size of human resourcesPenalties may be actually be even less than you suspect.

Average Penis Size

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Moshe Feldenkrais - A Biography

!±8± Moshe Feldenkrais - A Biography

Feldenkrais was born in the town Baranovitz Little Russian 1904, in Ukraine. It was the great grandson of the famous rabbi Rabbi Pincus Corritz Polish, secretary of Bal SHOM Tov, was born and the founder of Hasidism. Moshe when he was only 14 years at the time of the Balfour Declaration (1917 British help to document a Jewish free state in Palestine), he wandered alone, the then British territory of Palestine. Along with many other Russian Jews,did this long overland trek on foot. Once in Palestine, lived in Tel Aviv, then a relatively small community of Jewish settlers pioneers. As a youth he studied pursued his love for the sport, and relied mainly as laborers in construction and land surveyor, also found time to teach students with problems at school. By the age of 16 years, Moses was also very involved with the Haganah, the Jewish self-defense force, which originally was 300 young peoplewanted not only a Jewish free state, but also the return of peace with the Arabs and the freedom from British rule in Palestine.

Always guided his innate intellectual interests, he wrote in the school at the age of 23 years, he studied mathematics, and then served five years in office of the land survey was done the math department for cartographers. Moses had learned jiu-jitsu from a German boy on his arrival in Palestine, and finally came to write and finally to the publicationBook of Defence in respect of this work, which was based distributed to all members of the Haganah. However, he feared that if the book fell into the hands of the English, and found that it was his job, he would be arrested. It was 1928, and this seemed a good time to pursue his studies. He had saved some money (and he was very well paid for his book, too), and decided to go to France to complete his education. He took a degree in mechanical engineering andElectricity from the Ecole des Travaux Publiques de Paris. He then proceeded to the Sorbonne, where he received his doctorate in physical science. It 'was invited during this time Moses was for Frederic Joliot-Curie, director of the work of the Institute Curie, as the principal assistant in his lab, doing pioneering research in the field of nuclear physics. Here Moshe helped design and build to study different Van de Graaff generators and radioactive equipment. This was the same Joliot-Curie,In 1935, the Nobel Prize for chemistry.

Dr. Feldenkrais had different interests. He studied, among other things, neurophysiology, ethology (animal behavior), psychology, cybernetics (control functions such as human and mechanical reproduction) and the development of the child. It 'was an exceptional athlete, he excels in football and gymnastics, and was in love with an understanding of human learning. He was very interested in spiritual practice and psychological, both Western andEast. These pre-war period in Paris coincided with a visit to Paris by Professor Jigoro Kano, the then Minister of Education in Japan to promote his creation, modern judo was. Moshe always been interested in martial arts, was able to attend this event. Professor Kano had actually seen the book Moses, and even though it was written in Hebrew, was very impressed by the images fascinated and impressed, as a white man was so self-defense. This was a significant event in Dr.Feldenkrais life because it was chosen by Kano to be trained in the art of judo, and in 1936 became the first European to get his black belt. Moshe was the first judo club in Paris, which is still open now open. It 'was also written two books on judo, the first of which included a foreword by Kano to write.

In 1940, when the Germans occupied France, escaped to England, Dr. Feldenkrais. It was last on the ship escaped, so that with only a suitcase Joliot-Curiehad given him. The alleged lab, descriptions of research on nuclear fission, the plans for a bomb fire, and two gallons of "heavy water", which were then used in the Manhattan Project, including in order to build the atomic bomb. Once in England, was recruited by the British Admiralty and served as a research assistant. And 'research submarine until the end of the war, the development of sonar and underwater detection equipment for the Allies. He also continued the practice andteach judo. In all the years he became increasingly interested in human development and how children have learned to move, partly inspired by the observation of infants and children at the office of his wife, Yona Rubenstein, a pediatrician.

When still young, Moshe was wounded in his left knee playing football. He tore ligaments and cartilage, so strong and painful swollen knee for several months. When a bus accident aggravated his knee injury still old, Moses himself was confined to bed.Doctors said he needed an operation or he would never walk again. She gave him the best surgeon in England only a 50-50 chance of a positive result (this was long before the time of the arthroscope). Feldenkrais found the idea of ​​surgery with a prognosis is no better than chance was idiotic and irresponsible. "I told the doctors," he said, "that in my lab, we only performed, if we are 98% of our hypothesis." He studied everything that was known then about the health andHealing, Eastern and Western ideas. He started with small movements for hours at a time to experiment with vigilant self-observation, honing his consciousness until subtle neuromuscular connections between different parts of yourself again and again could feel functional. The key to healing, she found, is to become more aware of what you are doing to learn, that functional area who know the innate ability to trigger the body to heal itself.

Some time after Moses had recoveredmuch of the function of the knee, friends and colleagues began to ask for help with their similar complaints. For help with a person at a time, Feldenkrais developed ways of healing and learning, non-verbal, through touch and movement, only to be called Functional Integration. He also developed ways to communicate these results verbally, only to be called Awareness Through Movement.

In 1950 Feldenkrais went to Tel Aviv became the first director of the ElectronicsDepartment of the Israeli army. Shortly after, Feldenkrais was invited, with the first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, who for years with back problems, lung problems and other problems had been plagued by labor. When his health improved greatly Feldenkrais Ben Gurion in Israel a national treasure. After working for years in relative anonymity, Feldenkrais was known and respected internationally in late 1960 for his work in the field of rehabilitation andSports training in the arts and entertainment. He started giving training in Tel Aviv and in Europe through the '50s and '60s, and finally came to give training in the United States in 1971. Feldenkrais returned to the U.S. many times over the next 11 years, training large groups of people in San Francisco and Amherst, Massachusetts. His immediate group of about two or three dozen students are now the master, the organization of teaching and training of his world. In July 1984,after a series of diseases, Moshe died peacefully at the age of 80 in Tel Aviv.

The clients were all "students" for Dr. Feldenkrais, his goal was to help all of us learn better, we tried to.

Moshe Feldenkrais - A Biography

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